Good news to all tutors! We have plenty of rewards to be given, with up to RM100 in cash! What you need to do is to get testimonials from parents or students for your tutoring service (and our indirect service as well =D ). Here are the steps involved:
- You need to get parent’s consent first. You’d need to download the consent letter here, and then print it out.
- Get parent to read and sign the consent letter.
- Get testimonial from parent or/and student. There are 4 types of testimonials that you can consider.
- Send the testimonial, together with the signed consent letter to TutorKami, and get your reward!
Type of testimonial & the reward for each type:
- Screenshot of Whats’ App/Telegram text
- Reward – 1 pack of TutorKami Raya money packet
- Click here for examples of Type1 testimonials
- Printed/handwritten letter (with parent/student’s signature at the bottom)
- Reward – TutorKami polo shirt
- Click here for examples of Type2 testimonials
- Photo of tutor with student or/and parent, together with Type 1 or 2 testimonial
- Reward – RM50 cash & TutorKami polo shirt
- Click here for examples of Type3 testimonials
- Video of parent/student giving testimonial about the tutor, if possible with the tutor in the video as well
- Reward – RM100 cash & TutorKami polo shirt
- Click here for an example of Type4 testimonial
Terms & Conditions
- This campaign is open to TutorKami’s registered tutors only.
- Testimonial must be for jobs gotten through TutorKami only.
- The clients (parent or student) must mention TutorKami’s name, or TutorKami’s help in getting the tutor for them in the testimonial.
- All submitted testimonials will be properties of TutorKami. Tutor or others parties do not have the right to use or publish them through any type of medium, without TutorKami’s consent.
- For testimonial Type 1, must have testimonial from parents. Testimonial from student only will not be accepted.
- For testimonial Type 2, if the letter is written by the student, the student’s age must be 16 or above. For student’s lower than 16 years old, letter must written by their parent(s).
- For testimonial Type 3 & 4, if the photo/video involve students without parent’s presence, the student’s age must be 13 or above. For student’s lower than 13 years old, student must be photo-ed/video-ed accompanied by their parent(s).
- Testimonial must be submitted together with parent’s signed consent letter.
- There is no limitation to the number of testimonials a tutor can submit. However, each testimonial must be from a different client.
If you have any question, please put at the comment section below or contact our Marketing Manager at marketing{at}, and we will try to reply you as soon as possible.
Thank you and all the best in getting these rewards!